Thursday, January 06, 2005

The Left Lane is Called the Passing Lane

The left hand lane of a highway, where there are at least two adjacent lanes of traffic moving in the same direction, is called the passing lane. The right lane in this system is called the travel lane. This is an important lesson for many -- many, many, many, many, many -- people.

If there are 3 or more adjacent lanes of traffic moving in the same direction the nomenclature and operating procedures are slightly -- but only slightly -- more complex. In this situation, the far left lane is still the passing lane. The far right lane is the entry/exit lane; the lane utilized by those entering and exiting the highway who may travel at speeds less than the speed limit. The center lane or lanes are the travel lanes. An individual could think of the lanes this way, from right to left the speed varies from slowest to fastest.

In any case, the left most lane is not called the:
  • Sit by the car in the travel lane traveling at the exact same speed for miles on end lane,

  • Drive the speed limit or less no matter what the travel lane is doing lane,

  • I have a left exit coming up in 10 miles so I need to get over to be prepared lane, or

  • I have the right to be here lane.

I have well over a decade of driving experience under my belt and rely on this experience to provide my opinion. I have driven probably half a million miles in that time period in various automobiles from junkers to sports cars to trucks with trailers. I currently drive a service truck every weekday down Georgia highway 400 (aka. the worst highway in Georgia). The situation with the left most lane has progressively become worse as years have gone by. Even in the Midwestern states, where drivers are often most courteous, people driving along aimlessly in the left most lane can now be found, often blocking the passing lane for mile upon mile.

In my mind, and that of many of my friends, blocking the passing lane is one of the greatest offenses in current American society. Blocking the passing lane, an event I believe is increasing, provides a testimony to the degradation of our culture. There are really only a couple of reasons people might block the passing lane:
  1. They are unaware or

  2. They do not care that they are preventing the progress of others.
The first case shows ignorance and the second displays selfishness, insensitivity, and rudeness to the needs of others. Neither of these characteristics should we be pursuing or proud of as a society.

Some defend their actions of sitting in the passing lane for mile upon mile without ever getting over, blocking traffic, causing backups, headaches, frustration, and road rage, as their "right" but they are ever so wrong. Many states have laws about how the passing lane must be utilized. These laws often go unenforceable as it is much easier to catch speeders over left-lane-sitters. In most states, to be in the left most lane with cars behind you, you must be passing cars in the travel lane by a speed similar to a "walking pace" or greater. This does mean you can speed! The duty of the car in the passing lane is to either speed up or slow down and merge into one of the travel lanes to let the cars behind you pass. Just sitting in the passing lane, cruising along, is against the law. Not only is sitting in the passing lane against the law but it is also rude.

People that utilize their "right" to be in the passing lane at any moment in time are using what I call the Jurassic Park defense. In Jurassic Park, an individual hires scientists to create dinosaurs from DNA recovered from mosquitoes. The fact that the individual only considered his ability to bring these animals back to life over the a consideration of if he should is a point the author brings out clearly. Like AEsop's Fables, Jurassic Park has a lesson, just because you can does not mean you should. Just because you can sit, illegally, in the passing lane that does not mean that you should.

There are instances where sitting in the passing lane is acceptable. This situation occurs in dense traffic where the highway infrastructure does not meet demand. An example of this would be Georgia 400 between I-285 in the south and Exit 17 in the north. This highway services millions of people and, for the majority of the distance between I-285 and Exit 17, has only two adjacent lanes traveling in each direction. The traffic density is such that, daily from before sun-up to after sun-down, their exists nothing but a sea of tail lights ahead for both directions. Hardly a day goes by where there is not at least one accident in one or both direction sometime during the day. In this situation or similar situations with slow or stopped traffic sitting in the left hand lane is acceptable, mostly because no one is going anywhere anytime soon.

Next time you find yourself sitting the passing lane, with cars stacked up behind you, make a decision on what kind of human you would like to be. Do you want be considered an ignorant bastard by all those behind you? Do you want to be considered a rude asshole by all those behind you. It is your choice and decision, the police will not likely pull you over and ticket you, the people behind you probably won't shoot at you (though a large percentage of drivers carry guns), but do you really want to slow the progress of your fellow man?


Blogger recurr said...

The maximum and fastest speed would be the speed limit. Raise the speed limit.

12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your a moron, If i am doing 78 in the passing lane and the limit is 70 and you are doing 80. We are both breaking the law and that doesnt make it OK for either of us. So why bitch and complain if you can break the law so can I wether its you speeding or its me speeding and riding in the passing lane, That being said I will usually get over in fast lane to pass someone, but I will not get back over if the car in travel lane is not going at least the speed limit or if there is an on ramp coming up. Becuase the reason for me passing was the slow cars to begin with and I am slowing down just so you can pass me and then I have to pass someone again. You are no better than me I look out for me not the other drivers whats best for me not the other drivers.

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous, you are an idiot. The lane is to remain clear. After passing move back over. Also, it is not called the fast lane, it is passing lane. MORON!

9:30 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

Finally someone who agrees with me! My boyfriend and I argue about this all the time. I urge him to move back into the right lane after passing but he insists it is perfectly acceptable to drive along in the passing lane. Hope to see you along GA Hwy 400 one day! ;)

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In KY there are signs that say "Keep Right Except to Pass" or "Slower Traffic Keep Right". Both mean the same thing. It amazes me how many licensed drivers can't read. People who deliberately run in the passing lane are selfish narcissistic SOB's who should be rammed from behind. It's also dangerous as it causes traffic to clump up, which means that if one person makes a mistake, everybody nearby is screwed. The safest Interstate traffic is traffic that is spread out, and the only way to achieve this is by some traffic passing other traffic. What's with idiots running next to Semi-trucks and not passing? Talk about a death-wish.

2:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to a recent National Geographic magazine article, the US is the most dangerous of the industrialized countries to drive in. In fact, according to other sources, our fatality rate is 35% higher than in Europe, where some highways have no speed limit.

Wy might these facts be true? Possibly because unlike Europe, the US does not REQUIRE rigorous training to obtain a drivers license. Here, a license is a "right"; there, it is a "privilege".

6:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

All legality aside, why not just be a considerate human being. I grew up making the trip between LA and Lake Havasue about once a month and I knew the headlight codes by the time I could look out the window. It is amazing to me how many people will either a) never look in their mirrors or b) see you coming up and not let you by. People on the Autobahn would be lucky to end up in jail for this offense because they normally just end up with a 911 Turbo wedged firmly up their ASS!

As for the other anonymous DOUCHE CANOE. It is self-serving, egomaniacle, self-important fuk rags like you who cause road rage, traffic jams, accidents and the entire economic colapse by believing that a)I deserve it b) i can so i should and c)everyone else is so screw it.

1:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For anyone who cannot remember to keep right, watch the video on youtube called Keep Right. It's a trucker song.

6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep Right, Pass Left, everybody! Can't you see, it just makes sense!? So happy to see there are people who know how to use the road properly!!! I'd given up hope. Violators of this law should be ticketed. This law is not enforced nearly enough if you ask me!

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The true and final answer to the question is a new law. I know what you're thinking. Enough traffic laws already right? Well hear me out, you simply make it illegal to be passed on the right. IF you are, you are at fault and if we attach a huge fine the cops will enforce it to finance their departments...problem solved.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually printed out a page that says "MOVE" that I hold up to the clueless idiots. But, surprise, surprise. The 'left lane hogs' are generally hugging the wheel and unaware of anything going on around them... It makes me carzy to ride behind some moron cruising along in the PASSING lane!!! MOVE THE FREAK OVER AND LET ME WORRY ABOUT WHAT SPEED I'M DOING. IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS SO GET OUT OF MY WAY. It is not your job to hold us to the speed limit. You don't belong there unless you are passing!!!! You are causing people to change lanes to get around you and that is when accidents happen. So MOVE!!

8:07 PM  
Anonymous James Haven said...

You're right and it really is the law in most places. I for one wish cops would start giving me tickets for this offense

8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous #1, if you are doing 78 and holding up another driver doing 80, yes you are both speeding, but in addition YOU are failing to keep right and impeding another driver. They are completely separate and valid laws. No matter how fast you are going, if you don't keep right, you are breaking the law. That doesn't mean speeding is legal in the left lane, just that failing to keep right is illegal regardless of your speed.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Dr. Z. said...

It all boils down to three things; courtesy, safety, the law. PLEASE, look in your rear view mirror more than when you back out of the driveway or put on your makeup.

If there are people that want to pass, let them. That is the courteous thing to do.

If you are forcing cars to swerve around you to get by or worse, creating a rolling road block, change lanes to the right. That is the safe thing to do.

If you are hindering traffic at whatever legal or illegal speed (quite different from reasonable and prudent), move over. That is the lawful thing to do.

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I grew up and was taught in drivers ed that the left lane was the double nickel or the fast lane. Times have changed, We renew our licenses without really knowing when the law changes. Sad. I never fully understood the sign, "Keep right except to pass". And to me, it meant all traffic was to stay in right lane. WTF the other 2 lanes are for? The far left was always for fast traffic, which to me meant speed limit... and the other 2 lanes for slower vehicles. Times have changed. One must look for the overall effect. Pass with care as the law prescribes, get out when safe, and let the stupid dicks with the need to speed fly by...

3:03 PM  
Blogger Afterburning Turbofan said...

I learned in Europe what "keep right except to pass" meant without the need for signs stating the same. Traffic should travel in the rightmost lane unless passing even and especially on multi-lane highways. This goes hand in hand with laws that also forbid passing on the right. This approach leads to a smooth flowing traffic pattern regardless of speed and is only hampered by traffic jams. Flashing of one's lights is also used as a reminder to those who haven't moved back over after a pass that someone's waiting on them. This implies that regardless of your speed, you must always stay to the right unless passing. If we did that here in the US, we'd have better traffic flow but it seems there is not enough education and too many egos involved in changing American driving habits. If I followed the Colorado law of of "keep right except to pass", I'd be considered an aggressive driver since I'd constantly be passing on the right. I just don't get why more people don't understand traffic flow.

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you robin and the post Directly above. I'm near Seattle Wa I can't stand the drivers here. Sorry to say we have the same problem as well... Ly88

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could'nt have put it better my self ! Thank you. Ly88

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed ! Ly88

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Common sense is all any thinking human should need to get you to move from the passing lane to the travel lane. And for those that can not or will not think, for whatever reason, we have laws. Those laws say move over, stupid, in one form or another in almost every state. What worries me is that seemingly intelligent people can engage is the fairly high stakes game of driving for 20 or 30 years or more, and still have to be helped along by the rest of us. That's not an opinion, its what drivers demonstrate daily.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Here's a hypothetical. If I'm driving in the left lane (wrongly) and you come up behind me and want me to move over so you can pass (assuming there is sufficient space for me to move to the right) why are you in the left lane? If there is room for me in the right lane, there is room for you. My problem with all the people who complain about people driving slow in the passing lane is that the real reason they want you out of the way is so they can drive FAST in the passing lane. Again, you should never be behind someone in the left lane if there is room in the right lane (provided your state allows passing on the right, which almost all states do allow).

2:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a problem with moving over for a driver who is going over the speed limit. Under every law in the United States, a driver may NEVER exceed the posted speed limit, at any timeā€”even during passing. A driver going 79 in a 75 mile zone, in the left lane, does not have to bow down to a driver exceeding the law by 15 of 20 miles per hour. The driver moving faster than the normal flow of traffic at 79, in the fast lane, will not be cited, while the driver who tailgated him and passes at 15 miles over the speed limit, will receive 2 citations

2:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is perfectly legal to pass on the right. This is absolutely necessary when the freeway is clogged with left laners. This frees up lanes for fellow motorists and helps all of us. Get a clue!

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Yoyo said...

Drivers often mistaken the maximum speed limit for the minimum speed limit.

A driver in the left lane of a two lane highway traveling at the max speed limit while continuously passing traffic on their right isn't in a position to move out of the way if another driver is closing the gap from behind. The driver violating the max speed limit must either choose to:

1) Add another violation by passing on the left shoulder. This considerably mitigates the exposure of risk caused by those breaking the law. Most tailgaters don't understand the risk of a car emerging without hesitation into their lane causing a blockage reducing the average speed for everybody.

2) Maintain a safe following distance of the driver in front of them already maintaining the speed limit, eliminating the number of violations they can be cited with.

Now same example but the driver on left is not continuously passing traffic. The driver gaining on this driver already maintaining maximum speed can:

1) Do 1 or 2 above.

2) Pass on the right. In some States this will add a violation.

The theme here is to govern yourself accordingly. This false sense of entitlement coupled with an insane belief that other drivers exist to serve them tends to develop into sentiment that rapid erodes any shred of rational decision making. This can be observed when the insane driver passes a slow driver traveling at the max speed limit and will not immediately yield to another driver doing the same thing they just did. This is a typical selfish display were familiar with if they aren't going to yield for others don't expect others to yield for you. If you yield for others and you expect them to yield for you, know that it is insane to expect that outcome.

The drivers I have the most respect are those that shoulder pads because they truly understand that they have more control over their actions than others.

If you pass somebody going the speed limit keep going don't slow down!

Now if the left laner is not at the maximum speed limit and the signs mandate slower traffic to move right then they would be in the wrong.

I've cleaned up enough accident scenes and the artificial urgency developed by the insane is typically the cause of accidents.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Kotcher said...

sometimes, that guy going 80, riding your ass, is on the way to the hospital, hoping to see a loved one before they die.

1:02 AM  

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