Saturday, January 22, 2005

Merge Lanes

Merge lanes and turn lanes should be used for acceleration or deceleration to the greatest extent possible. These lanes include on ramps, off ramps, center turn lanes, and right side turn lanes. The objective when using one of these lanes is to impede other drivers at a minimum.

On ramps and off ramps are not all made exactly alike: they can differ by state or roadway type (interstate versus limited access highway). Some off ramps employ a lane that runs parallel with traffic for several hundred feet before diverging from traffic (on ramps do the opposite, converging a different direction down to a lane running in the parallel path). When this type of lane exists, drivers must use it to either decelerate (off ramp) or accelerate to the speed of traffic on the main highway. When there is no parallel lane the ramp often veers off slowly, in the case of the off ramp, allowing a driver to make a smooth turn, and then decelerate. In the case of the on ramp things are more difficult but skilled drivers look for a space between cars then adjust the speed of their automobile such that their car enters that space with perfect timing and at the speed of traffic allowing for a seamless transition.

This is a very simple concept but many drivers make the mistake of decelerating before the off ramp or accelerating to the speed of traffic on the main highway after they merge into traffic. On a busy thoroughfare, these drivers are major roadblocks. Sometimes the traffic on the main highway ends up being forced to merge into other lanes. This can happen rather quickly, especially when drivers on the main highway do not expect someone to do this. In some instances, the driver on the main highway cannot merge because there is already a car in the lane next to them.

Some secondary roads have center turn lanes (for left hand turns) and right side turn lanes (for right hand turns). Center turn lanes come in at least two configurations: one type uses a continues lane for use by either direction of traffic while the other uses a separate lane for each direction – almost like a left hand off ramp. The center turn lane using the continuous strip of pavement is often the trickiest to use without impeding traffic. When different lanes are painted onto this lane it can help but when there are no lanes the driver wishing to make the left hand turn must be aware of the intent of drivers in the oncoming lane. It is best to watch for turn signals, drivers riding the center line, or making some other action that might denote their aim to enter the center turn lane.

Georgia highway 400 as it enters Dawson County is a perfect example of a road designed with center turn lanes like left hand off ramps. These turn lanes are very long, built to accommodate several cars or to allow for full deceleration. These turn lanes, when not loaded with other cars, may be entered at highway speeds. Drivers on GA 400, more often than not, decelerate well before they enter these turn lanes causing significant backups on this highly congested highway.

Right hand turn lanes are often the shortest of all merge lanes. If making a turn onto another highway a driver can often keep the majority of their vehicle velocity, thereby, reducing the need for much deceleration. On the other hand, if a driver must come to a stop or a near complete stop there is generally very little that can be done to keep from impeding other driver’s progress to at least some degree. When merging or turning it is important to also use turn signals. At least by using a turn signal you can make other drivers more aware of your objectives and they might even react accordingly.

Driving is a privilege not a right. Considering the dangers when driving and the incredible responsibility one takes on when getting behind the wheel it seems as though we should all be working to make ourselves better and more courteous drivers. The best drivers are the smoothest drivers and those that have the ability to interact with different types of traffic while making the least impact possible.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

The Left Lane is Called the Passing Lane

The left hand lane of a highway, where there are at least two adjacent lanes of traffic moving in the same direction, is called the passing lane. The right lane in this system is called the travel lane. This is an important lesson for many -- many, many, many, many, many -- people.

If there are 3 or more adjacent lanes of traffic moving in the same direction the nomenclature and operating procedures are slightly -- but only slightly -- more complex. In this situation, the far left lane is still the passing lane. The far right lane is the entry/exit lane; the lane utilized by those entering and exiting the highway who may travel at speeds less than the speed limit. The center lane or lanes are the travel lanes. An individual could think of the lanes this way, from right to left the speed varies from slowest to fastest.

In any case, the left most lane is not called the:
  • Sit by the car in the travel lane traveling at the exact same speed for miles on end lane,

  • Drive the speed limit or less no matter what the travel lane is doing lane,

  • I have a left exit coming up in 10 miles so I need to get over to be prepared lane, or

  • I have the right to be here lane.

I have well over a decade of driving experience under my belt and rely on this experience to provide my opinion. I have driven probably half a million miles in that time period in various automobiles from junkers to sports cars to trucks with trailers. I currently drive a service truck every weekday down Georgia highway 400 (aka. the worst highway in Georgia). The situation with the left most lane has progressively become worse as years have gone by. Even in the Midwestern states, where drivers are often most courteous, people driving along aimlessly in the left most lane can now be found, often blocking the passing lane for mile upon mile.

In my mind, and that of many of my friends, blocking the passing lane is one of the greatest offenses in current American society. Blocking the passing lane, an event I believe is increasing, provides a testimony to the degradation of our culture. There are really only a couple of reasons people might block the passing lane:
  1. They are unaware or

  2. They do not care that they are preventing the progress of others.
The first case shows ignorance and the second displays selfishness, insensitivity, and rudeness to the needs of others. Neither of these characteristics should we be pursuing or proud of as a society.

Some defend their actions of sitting in the passing lane for mile upon mile without ever getting over, blocking traffic, causing backups, headaches, frustration, and road rage, as their "right" but they are ever so wrong. Many states have laws about how the passing lane must be utilized. These laws often go unenforceable as it is much easier to catch speeders over left-lane-sitters. In most states, to be in the left most lane with cars behind you, you must be passing cars in the travel lane by a speed similar to a "walking pace" or greater. This does mean you can speed! The duty of the car in the passing lane is to either speed up or slow down and merge into one of the travel lanes to let the cars behind you pass. Just sitting in the passing lane, cruising along, is against the law. Not only is sitting in the passing lane against the law but it is also rude.

People that utilize their "right" to be in the passing lane at any moment in time are using what I call the Jurassic Park defense. In Jurassic Park, an individual hires scientists to create dinosaurs from DNA recovered from mosquitoes. The fact that the individual only considered his ability to bring these animals back to life over the a consideration of if he should is a point the author brings out clearly. Like AEsop's Fables, Jurassic Park has a lesson, just because you can does not mean you should. Just because you can sit, illegally, in the passing lane that does not mean that you should.

There are instances where sitting in the passing lane is acceptable. This situation occurs in dense traffic where the highway infrastructure does not meet demand. An example of this would be Georgia 400 between I-285 in the south and Exit 17 in the north. This highway services millions of people and, for the majority of the distance between I-285 and Exit 17, has only two adjacent lanes traveling in each direction. The traffic density is such that, daily from before sun-up to after sun-down, their exists nothing but a sea of tail lights ahead for both directions. Hardly a day goes by where there is not at least one accident in one or both direction sometime during the day. In this situation or similar situations with slow or stopped traffic sitting in the left hand lane is acceptable, mostly because no one is going anywhere anytime soon.

Next time you find yourself sitting the passing lane, with cars stacked up behind you, make a decision on what kind of human you would like to be. Do you want be considered an ignorant bastard by all those behind you? Do you want to be considered a rude asshole by all those behind you. It is your choice and decision, the police will not likely pull you over and ticket you, the people behind you probably won't shoot at you (though a large percentage of drivers carry guns), but do you really want to slow the progress of your fellow man?